Do you need casco insurance, casco vehicle insurance, auto casco insurance, casco boat insurance, casco apartment - house insurance, travel insurance, health insurance or voluntary pension insurance? You are in the right place, we are casco insurance Belgrade
We are an insurance agency with 20 years of experience in contracting, selling policies and assisting with insurance collection in the event of an accident. Our team is ready to answer any question you may have regarding typical types of insurance such as:
In addition to all of the above, you can contact us with your specific request regarding casco insurance or ordinary insurance that is not in the standard offer, and in that case, our associates can prepare a special offer tailored to your requirements and needs.
What is casco insurance (auto insurance)?
Most often, the term casco insurance is associated with car insurance, although this is wrong because, as we have seen, casco insurance is not the only type of casco insurance, but it is the most common, and therefore the very mention of the term casco insurance most often means that.
By the casco insurance contract itself, the insurer undertakes to compensate material damages caused to the insured vehicle and other insured items in the vehicle and on the vehicle if these damages occur due to the occurrence of the insured risk, and the insured undertakes to pay the insurance premium for this. Of course, this all applies to apartments, houses as well as any other means of transportation such as boats, ships, trucks, buses and even airplanes.
We offer special benefits to companies that want to insure their business premises, warehouses, production halls, because accidents happen there most often. Of course, you can also insure goods in warehouses against any type of accident such as flood, fire or the like.
Our expert team is here to help you when collecting damages in the event of an insured event, because our long-term partnerships with all major insurance companies in Serbia are a guarantee of the quality of our work.
How to contact us?
For more information about casco insurance and insurance in general, visit our website or contact us through the CONTACT page by calling the number or sending an email inquiry.
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